Boost your brand through corporate social responsibility

Boost your brand through corporate social responsibility

Have you discovered the value of community impact yet? If you haven’t, you might want to reconsider. Here’s why: Giving back is one means to help you build your brand and get more business. Community involvement fosters an environment in which consumers...
A personal brand that lasts a lifetime

A personal brand that lasts a lifetime

Have you considered the importance of your personal brand? No matter where you journey in life, or what new horizons may beckon, when you care for your personal brand you’re making a long-term investment. A personal brand is the sum total of the energy and time...
Networking: It may be in our genes

Networking: It may be in our genes

We all know people are creatures of habit, but research reveals there may be a genetic component that influences how mindful actions affect behavior. Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology suspect a unique type of learning process allows conscious...
No time to hire? We can help!

No time to hire? We can help!

Running a business isn’t always as glamorous as it’s made out to be in movies and TV. From the moment you wake up, to the moment your head hits the pillow, you’re working non-stop to ensure investors are getting their returns, clients are happy, and...
Guarding one of your biggest assets — your reputation

Guarding one of your biggest assets — your reputation

When a man or woman does something to tarnish his or her reputation among professional peers, the loss is incalculable. Here are four ways to guard your most important personal asset. Cultivate a transparent persona. Demonstrate your character through consistency,...